Every day our elementary school bus route took us through the green pastured hills of Kula, dropping off kids at their various stops. Along one bumpy, unpaved dirt road, lived the famous, yet elusive 5-legged cow. This mutant cow was legendary, and every afternoon from the bus we all craned our necks in hopes that we’d catch sight of it. I had never seen it before, so I was particularly set on seeing this creature.
Finally, one day on the bus, someone shouted, “There it is! There’s the 5-legged cow!” Sure enough, there it was near the barbed wire fence. It was an aged, skinny thing that looked like it had known better days. Like a regular cow, it was standing on four legs. And hanging right above one of its hind legs, dangling about halfway to the ground, was an odd, wrinkled growth of skin and flesh, the fifth leg. We all shrieked in unison, “Ew! Gross!” Finally, the bus driver had to shut down the mayhem with a thunderous, “Be quiet!”
As the bus continued its drive, we all had the collective satisfaction of seeing the five-legged cow. It was a marvelous day.
Finally, one day on the bus, someone shouted, “There it is! There’s the 5-legged cow!” Sure enough, there it was near the barbed wire fence. It was an aged, skinny thing that looked like it had known better days. Like a regular cow, it was standing on four legs. And hanging right above one of its hind legs, dangling about halfway to the ground, was an odd, wrinkled growth of skin and flesh, the fifth leg. We all shrieked in unison, “Ew! Gross!” Finally, the bus driver had to shut down the mayhem with a thunderous, “Be quiet!”
As the bus continued its drive, we all had the collective satisfaction of seeing the five-legged cow. It was a marvelous day.